For you, I recommend Flash 8 over ALL the others, even over Adobe Flash CS3 Professional.
This is an abandoned account
Joined on 12/6/07
Posted by Pixellator - August 16th, 2008
For you, I recommend Flash 8 over ALL the others, even over Adobe Flash CS3 Professional.
Posted by Pixellator - August 6th, 2008
Best metal song EVAR. I R SRS. >:(
By the way, try moshing to the music when you start it. The music will be awesomer.
No moshpit needed, nor do you need to push anything or anyone or force anyone to ingest a pint of alcohol.
Posted by Pixellator - August 5th, 2008
I hear noises downstairs...and it sounds like someone is trying to break in.
Posted by Pixellator - August 5th, 2008
I don't know how it happened, but I accidentally deleted Flash. Fothermucker...
Posted by Pixellator - August 1st, 2008
My vewy own website is a comin' out! Specifically for me, myself, and I. YAY! I give all thanks to WHEEEEEEEEE123 because when he put up NNG Worldwide on the NNG website, he mentioned Pixellated Productions and I immediately began construction on the new website using Freewebs. So yeah, a new website approaches!
Posted by Pixellator - July 30th, 2008
I made a picture and I used Flash to do it. To watch it at its actual speed, use Mozilla Firefox instead of Internet Explorer.