That... Was...
... Insanely good! And you rotoscoped that? Awesome!
That... Was...
... Insanely good! And you rotoscoped that? Awesome!
It was kind of obvious that the knife would work again once he held the knife up to his face.
Good job :3
Teh 3 classics, all bunched together in a timeline Flash, good work!
It made little sense...
...But it was amazing! Very artistic! I like your Flash, notorious!
thanks homie
...You can't really call this a Madness episode. I mean, where is Hank?! I thought he was the main character! Though, it was very cool and its effects were great. 10/10.
Good job!
I think that cristianedu doesn't know what hes talking about. To make something like this takes time. I bet cristianedu hasn't even posted anythi- wait! I checked his profile! He HASN'T posted anything! He doesn't know how hard it is to even make something like that! So what if it loops? A lot of effort was put into that loop!
A few things to say...
I hate criticizing things, but first of all, you haven't made anything that really had any "work put into it" , and don't be suprised if any of your first posts are blammed. I posted something called The Goofy Channel and that is close to the blamming point too. Also, you might want to try animating other things than yourself on webcam. Also, you should have made those noises. Why did you do that? Honestly, I have nothing against trying to reach web-popularity, but seriously. Also, webcam projects are meant for video-presenting websites like Youtube, not Newgorunds. I am only giving you 8 stars because I feel the pain you do when it comes to low score posts. And I feel sorry for you. Just about everyone wants your posts blammed off the face of this site, and I'm 13. Aren't you 13 or something? I think you said that you were 13 before... Anyways, try animating. Now webcamming. ;)
There were so many hilarious spelling mistakes there that changed the entire purpose of the review!
"Anyways, try animating. Now webcamming. ;)"
I believe you meant NOT webcamming. But if you didn't, sure, NOW!
"Also, you should have made those noises. Why did you do that?"
Wait, I should have but you ask why I did? LOLWUT?
That was funny.
I really liked that one ninja that was so nervous that he couldn't help shooting in many random directions. After a while of freaking out, he finally got killed. Good animation!
I can see you got an idea from ROBOT CHICKEN, DID YOU?? O.o
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Joined on 12/6/07